Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Event_Notification has a deprecated constructor 
in '/webspace/21/60544/' at the line 66

#0  Piwik_ErrorHandler(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#1  require_once(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#2  Piwik_Loader::loadClass(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#3  Piwik_Loader::autoload(...) called at [:]
#4  spl_autoload_call(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#5  require_once(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#6  require_once(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#7  Piwik_Loader::loadClass(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]
#8  Piwik_Loader::autoload(...) called at [:]
#9  spl_autoload_call(...) called at [/webspace/21/60544/]